
How Long Does It Take For A Mouse To Give Birth

Mice breeding method

The following explains the method of breeding used for the largest number of mice bred at the Fauna Facility (natural mating method).

 (Based on the individual mouse or strain, litter-size and weaning time may vary)


An outline of mouse breeding by the natural mating method is as follows.

  • Male person mice and female mice live together in a cage where they mate, and then after a gestation period of about 20 days, baby mice are born.
  • From one doe, v to ten baby mice tin be produced (this varies due to strain).
  • Baby mice are weaned from four weeks after nativity and tin be then raised independently.
  • 8 weeks subsequently nativity they are sexually mature and and then males and females can be mated to produce farther offspring.

An important indicate is to understand the following: when the mating took identify, was the mating successful, and which mouse gave birth to the baby mice.
Without this knowledge the following agin effects may occur:

  • - mating a female mouse that has already been mated does not increase convenance charge per unit
  • - a female mouse that is mated with continuously will exist tired and thus the breeding charge per unit will not increase
  • - More than than one male mouse can atomic number 82 to fighting over a female and outcome in injuries

The following explains the points that demand to be observed.

Mating method

Cage separation

  1. Female and male mice are obtained and put into separate cages where they are raised.
  2. A few days before mating is to brainstorm, male mice will be kept individually (1 mouse per cage) and female mice will be kept in a herd (five mice per cage).

Creating the Next Generation through Convenance

  1. Keeping the following points in heed, the male person and female person mice are then put together and mated.
    • Sexual maturity: both male and female mice are sexually mature at viii weeks and can mate and give nativity.
    • Sexual cycle: the vulva of the female mouse is observed and when information technology becomes bloated and red (this shows that the sexual cycle is at the proestrus point), she is chosen for mating and thus breeding rate increases.
      (For information about the swelling of the vulva, please refer to the photo [proestrus] on this page)
    • Ethnic effect: When a female person is placed in the male mouse muzzle, breeding rate increases.
    • Numbers of mice: For every male mouse, ane to two female mice.
    • Time: Male person and female mice are put together in the evening.
  2. The next morning, the female vulva are observed and if the vaginal plug is observed, mating has taken place.
    Since the vaginal plug will fall off by noon, observation must be washed in the morning time.
    A log is then kept recording data about the male person and female person mice who are to go parents and the date that the vaginal plug has been confirmed.
  3. Female person mice whose vaginal plug has been confirmed are kept together in one cage
  4. A few days before the delivery engagement (20 days after confirmation of vaginal plug), each mouse is given their ain muzzle and a message is put on the cage which reads "Commitment appointment is near and then delight don't supervene upon this cage" thus removing any extra excitement from replacement of cages, etc.
  5. For 1 calendar week later on delivery, cages aren't replaced while the female parent nurses her young.
  6. Iv weeks after delivery, the baby mice are weaned.
    The male person and female mice are and so divided into separate cages
    To ensure sufficient space per animate being, the mice are divided as to not to exceed 5 mice per cage.
  7. Afterwards 8 weeks from birth, the mice can be mated for offspring.

Efficient convenance technology

north the Beast Facility, we have established efficient mouse breeding engineering science using in vitro fertilization instead of natural mating. Using this technology, a large number of pups can be bred, some 100 eggs per female can exist fertilized.

 Interested parties should contact the Mouse Bank organisation staff.


Treatment of genetically modified organisms is strictly defined past law. For this reason, if something were to happen, such as if genetically modified animals escape from the facility, facilities and researchers will be punishable past law.
Fifty-fifty in the breeding room, please allow the facility staff when a mouse has escaped from a cage. We have specialized tools for capturing the mice and nosotros will cooperate to ensure return of animals to their cages.
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