
How To Treat Ingrown Hair On Female Face

Ingrown hair facts

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Ingrown hairs are a common, beneficial skin disorder seen in all historic period groups.

  • Ingrown hairs are a common, benign peel disorder seen in all age groups.
  • Ingrown hairs can produce inflammation of hair follicles. This unremarkably occurs in shaved skin, especially those with tightly curling hair.
  • Ingrown hairs announced as private tan or carmine bumps.
  • Ingrown hairs are may be produced by shaving besides closely.
  • Ingrown hairs may resolve on their own without treatment.
  • Avoid shut shaves to prevent ingrown hair.
  • Minimizing ingrown hairs may crave ongoing maintenance therapy.
  • Many topical creams are bachelor to assist control ingrown hairs.
  • A combination of treatments may be needed to achieve the best upshot.
  • Laser hair removal tin can exist a good choice to prevent ingrown hairs.

What is an ingrown hair?

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An ingrown hair happens when the abrupt tip of the pilus curls back or grows sideways into the skin of the hair follicle. It is a beneficial condition, which commonly appears as a small tan or sometimes pink bump nether the skin. Often, a pocket-size pinpoint (often dark) function of the underlying hair may exist seen under the skin bump. In severe cases, multiple small red or pink piffling bumps at pilus follicles may be seen on any pare surface area that normally grows hair.

An ingrown pilus is a very mutual skin status occurring primarily later on puberty. Ingrown hairs tend to be more common in areas with coarse hairs, similar the bikini expanse in women, and bristles and neck in men. Individuals with thicker, tightly curled hairs, such as African Americans, tend to take the highest rate of problems with ingrown hairs, particularly of the beard area. Rarely, an ingrown hair may also announced in other skin parts, such as the eyelid or thighs. An ingrown hair is medically harmless, all the same it may become cosmetically disfiguring and lead to scarring, skin discoloration (referred to as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation), skin infection, and rarely keloid scar formation.

Ingrown Hair Symptoms & Signs

Since the most mutual cause of ingrown hairs is cut or removal of the hair below the level of the follicular orifice (usually called a pore by patients), it typically tends to occur on your face, neck, armpits, groin, and legs. The usual sign of this condition are multiple red to flesh-colored bumps, which can be tender or itchy and tin become pustular. Sometimes it is possible to encounter the imbedded coiled pilus on magnification.

What causes an ingrown pilus?

  • Pilus that is cut shut to or below the follicular opening may have a sharp tip that tin pierce the pare to crusade an ingrown hair.
  • Improper shaving techniques are the major cause of ingrown hairs.
  • Other hair-removal methods, including waxing, as well as mutual friction from tight clothing, may worsen the situation.
  • Although an ingrown pilus is primarily caused by improper or aggressive pilus removal, it sometimes occurs naturally every bit too much dead skin debris blocks the pilus follicle opening, causing the hair to grow sideways.

Who develops ingrown hairs?

Nearly everyone will have an ingrown hair at some fourth dimension. Overall, teenagers and adults are more prone to ingrown hairs. African-American individuals with thicker, coarser tightly curling hairs tend to have the highest charge per unit of problems with ingrown hairs.

What are symptoms and signs of an ingrown hair?

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  • Symptoms include itch and tenderness.
  • An ingrown hair can lead to a localized strange-body inflammatory reaction, which causes the pinpoint blood-red or pink bumps on the skin.
  • Some of the bumps may be slightly ruby or have an accompanying light-cerise halo indicating inflammation.
  • Sometimes, the curled hair can be barely visible at the center of the crash-land.
  • Small pustules or dry cherry-red bumps are ofttimes scattered over an surface area that has been shaved recently. Often the bumps outset a few days to weeks after hair removal and get worse as the hairs grow back.
  • Pustules may be a sign of folliculitis due to the infection with mutual skin bacteria, such as Staphylococcus.

Are ingrown hairs the same as razor bumps or pseudofolliculitis?

I type of ingrown hair is pseudofolliculitis, also chosen "razor bumps," in which modest carmine bumps appear on the beard surface area (lower face and cervix) and may flare with echo shaving. Razor bumps are usually experienced by African-American men, particularly those who shave frequently. Mankind-colored red bumps with a hair shaft in their center are seen in shaved areas adjacent to the pilus follicle opening. Pustules and abscesses may occasionally grade, especially if there are bacteria on the skin. In chronic or inadequately treated situations, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, scarring, and rare keloid formation may occur. This skin condition is more often than not seen in darker pare or African peel with facial hair because of the curvature of these patients' hair follicles.


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What is the treatment for an ingrown hair?

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Although an ingrown hair can heal on its own and spontaneously dislodge, in some cases, it may be tough to get rid of information technology. Available treatments include

  • chemical depilatories,
  • improved shaving techniques,
  • topical antibiotics if infected,
  • medical removal of the ingrown hair by small incision and pulling out the hair, and
  • pilus-removal laser.

Best results may be achieved with combination therapy. Consulting a medical doctor who specializes in dermatology may be necessary for the optimal treatment of more severe cases.

Chemical depilatories like Neet or Nair tin can loosen the structure of hair, resulting in blunt tips of shaved hairs at the follicular opening. Chemical depilatories may be used every 2d or tertiary twenty-four hour period rather than every day to avoid chemic irritation on the skin. Hydrocortisone foam can exist practical to alleviate the irritation caused past chemical depilatories.

Tretinoin (Retin A) cream can help decrease skin plugging or hyperkeratosis. Topical tretinoin cream may thin out the epidermis, reduce the buildup of dead skin cells, and decrease hair embedding into the follicles. Topical corticosteroid creams are applied to reduce inflammation of inflamed ingrown hairs.

Topical and oral antibiotics may be required for astringent cases that grade pustules and abscesses, which point secondary infection. Topical antibiotics, including erythromycin (E-Mycin, Ilosone) and clindamycin (Cleocin), topical antibacterial agents, such every bit benzoyl peroxide (Persa-Gel), and the combinations of topical antibiotics and antibacterial agent, can assist reduce the growth of skin bacteria and treat secondary infection. Oral antibiotics, such as tetracycline (Sumycin) or cephalexin (Keflex, Keftabs), are used to control infected pustules or abscess formation. Antibacterial washes, such as benzoyl peroxide (Clearasil, Proactiv) or chlorhexidine (Hibiclens), can be used once or twice a day to control the infection. Topical eflornithine HCl 13.9% cream (Vaniqa) is a prescription that tin reduce the rate of hair growth when applied to the skin twice a day over ane to two months. Hence, information technology tin can exist useful every bit long-term therapy in individuals with excessive facial hair or patients who have pseudofolliculitis barbae.

For skin discoloration, prescribed fading creams such every bit hydroquinone 4% (Eldoquin), kojic acid, azelaic acid 15%-20%, or over-the-counter fading creams with 2% hydroquinone tin can aid improve any rest or persistent discoloration.

Laser hair removal may be an selection for preventing ingrown hairs. Laser treatments applied to an area help to permanently decrease the number of hairs. Currently, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation removal works primarily on nighttime hairs only. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation hair removal is more often than not very fast, efficient, and safe. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation treatment risks include skin discoloration.

Electrolysis may be used to permanently remove hairs. This procedure targets individual hair follicles and can be performed on whatsoever color of skin and any size and colour of hair. The destruction of pilus follicles is permanent. Electrolysis is ofttimes dull, irksome, and requires multiple treatments.

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Are in that location any home remedies for an ingrown hair?

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Although no cure exists, it is possible to decrease the occurrence of ingrown hairs. The easiest way to practise this is through proper hair and skin hygiene.

  • Hydrate and soften both the pare and the hair before shaving. This tin upshot in a duller, rounded tip to the hair, which decreases the likelihood for hairs to reenter the skin.
  • Use a moistened washcloth, a wet sponge, or a soft-bristled toothbrush with a mild soap to launder the bristles or hair for several minutes via a circular motion to help dislodge stubborn tips.
  • Some natural mild exfoliators, such as table salt and sugar, can be applied to treat the redness or irritation that comes with the ingrown hair.
  • Practise not shave against the direction or grain of the hair growth.
  • Avert shaving too closely to the skin.
  • When using electric razors, some shaving techniques may assistance prevent ingrown hair. Proceed the head of the electric razor slightly off the surface of the skin and shave in a irksome, circular motion. Pressing the razor too close to the peel or pulling the skin taut tin result in also shut of a shave.
  • Leave very brusque one mm-2 mm stubble with shaving to assist reduce the tendency of shaving likewise closely. These shaving techniques tin avoid creating a sharp tip when shaving and foreclose pilus from reentering the skin past leaving slightly longer stubble.
  • Some other mode to forbid ingrown hairs is by avoiding shaving and allowing hair to abound naturally.

Practise ingrown hairs affect the entire body?

Ingrown hairs virtually characteristically involve areas that are shaved, similar the beard, bikini area, and legs. Other common locations of ingrown hairs include the face, neck, thighs, and buttocks. Although possible, it is rare to take ingrown hairs all over the trunk. Ingrown hairs do not touch the oral cavity, palms, vagina, or soles of the feet, as there are no hair follicles in these locations.


Ingrown Hair Scan through our medical prototype drove to see pictures of the most common, and uncommon, skin conditions See Images

How do health intendance professionals diagnose an ingrown pilus?

The diagnosis of ingrown pilus is typically very straightforward and based on the skin appearance. In some cases, a small peel biopsy may be used to assist the doctor confirm the diagnosis. Other times, a skin bacterial civilisation may be taken by a cotton wool-tip applicator to assist in determining an infectious cause. A few other medical conditions may look just like ingrown hairs and demand to be examined more than closely by a physician specializing in conditions of the skin called a dermatologist.

Does diet have anything to do with ingrown hairs?

Overall, diet does not seem to affect ingrown hairs.

What else could an ingrown hair look like?

Other medical conditions tin mimic ingrown hairs. Some possible look-akin skin conditions include

  • folliculitis,
  • keratosis pilaris,
  • acne,
  • cyst,
  • abscess (furuncle),
  • milia (whiteheads),
  • eczema,
  • impetigo,
  • atopic dermatitis,
  • contact dermatitis,
  • heat rash (miliaria), or
  • dry skin (xerosis).

Less mutual mimickers include

  • chickenpox,
  • herpes,
  • pustular psoriasis,
  • molluscum contagiosum,
  • viral warts,
  • Fox-Fordyce illness,
  • Graham-Fiddling-Piccardi-Lasseur syndrome,
  • pruritic papular eruption of HIV disease, and
  • erythema toxicum neonatorum.

Folliculitis of ingrown hairs may also resemble uncommon skin atmospheric condition like

  • lichen spinulosus,
  • pityriasis rubra pilaris,
  • phrynoderma (vitamin A deficiency),
  • ulerythema ophryogenes,
  • ichthyosis vulgaris,
  • eruptive vellus hair pseudofolliculitis barbae,
  • erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli,
  • keratosis follicularis (Darier disease),
  • Kyrle affliction,
  • lichen nitidus,
  • lichen spinulosus,
  • perforating folliculitis, and
  • trichostasis spinulosa.

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Is it possible to prevent ingrown hairs?

  • The simplest manner to forestall ingrown hairs is to allow hair to grow without cutting it too brusk.
  • Shaving and waxing tin can cause or exacerbate ingrown hairs. The shaving techniques described in a higher place can be practical to prevent or decrease the occurrence of ingrown hairs.
  • Topical pilus-growth-inhibitor foam eflornithine (Vaniqa), electrolysis, or hair-removal lasers tin also effectively help decrease ingrown hairs.

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Alexis, Andrew, Heath, Candrice R., and Halder, Rebat M. "Folliculitis Keloidalis Nuchae and Pseudofolliculitis Barbae: Are Prevention and Effective Treatment Within Reach?" Dermatol Clin 32 (2014): 183-191.

Demaria, Andrea L., et al. "Complications Related to Pubic Hair Removal." Am J Obstet Gynecol 210.6 June 2014: 528.e1-528.e5.

Draelos, Zoe Diana. "Shaving for Success." Cosmetic Dermatology 22.eleven Nov. 2009: 554-557.

Freedberg, Irwin M., et al. Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine. 5th ed. United States: McGraw-Hill Professional, 1999.

Jasterzbski, T.J. and R.A. Schwartz. "Pseudofolliculitis Cutis: A Vexing Disorder of Hair Growth." British Journal of Dermatology 172 (2015): 878-884.

Luelmo-Aguilar, Jesús, and Mireia Sàbat Santandreu. "Folliculitis: Recognition and Management." Am J Clin Dermatol 5.5 (2004): 301-310.

Nguyen, T.A., Patel, P.South., Viola, K.5., and Friedman, A.J. "Pseudofolliculitis Barbae in Women: A Clinical Perspective." Br J Dermatol July 2015: 279-281.


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