
How To Perform A Hair And Scalp Analysis

Images International offers complimentary consultations which include a pilus and scalp analysis.  What is a hair and scalp analysis and why is it of import?

A hair and scalp analysis allow us to see the state of your scalp up close.  We used a magnified scope to appraise the condition of your skin, the density of your pilus and view your hair follicles.  Our findings assistance united states of america guide you to a solution specific for you lot.

Hair Loss Status

Men and Women have unlike pilus loss patterns.  We apply a guide to make up one's mind which class closely matches your pattern of hair loss.  For men, the Norwood-Hamilton Scale is used.Hair Loss Diagram

Women use the Ludwig scale to classify their stage of hair loss.

Ludwig Scale

Scalp Condition

Our camera is ready for a close upward.  Nosotros volition focus the scope onto your scalp to decide the status of your scalp.  Nosotros are looking for signs of dryness like scales or flakes.  A shiny or muddy appearance indicates backlog oil product.  Determining the natural state of your scalp is crucial to determining the best treatment protocol and so we recommend not washing your hair at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Scalp Status

Hair Density

We will use our scope to have a close-up picture of 1 centimeter of your scalp.  We will count the hair follicles yous have in that given surface area and make up one's mind if you have an average amount or beneath boilerplate corporeality.  You are simply able to grow hair if yous have hair follicles nowadays.  It is best to begin treatments before you lose your hair follicles because once they are gone, at that place is no way to become them dorsum.  Nourishing your hair follicles with antioxidants and nutrients and keeping your scalp articulate of residue is the best way to maintain your pilus follicles.

Hair Density

Keratin of the Scalp

Our camera uses a blue-hued calorie-free to detect the presence of keratin on the scalp.  This build up and residue tin can be damaging to your hair growth and it must exist removed regularly.  The buildup forms a plug in your pilus follicle and it can even flake similar dandruff.

Keratin of the Scalp

Exposure of the Scalp'due south Vessel

We will examine your scalp for inflammation or sensitivity.  If you have capillaries exposed and your scalp is itchy or inflamed, you must address it in order to abound healthy hair.  At that place tin exist several explanations for inflammation, from motorcar-allowed disorders to allergies to hair folliculitis.  Inflammation and hair loss are very closely linked but luckily in that location are deportment you can have to minimize or right your scalp inflammation.

Exposure of the Scalp's Vessel

Hair Thickness

We volition take a moving picture of a strand of your hair measure its diameter.  We will determine if your pilus is a normal thickness.  Hair that registers thinner than boilerplate may indicate that miniaturization is happening.  Hair miniaturization is shrinking of the hair strand and somewhen the hair follicle.  This can be permanent if information technology is not handled in its early stages.  Your hair may exist gradually growing thinner and thinner due to genetics, stress, nutritional deficiencies, hormones imbalances or crumbling.  Addressing miniaturization while the follicle is withal fastened to it'south stem cell sources is critical otherwise the follicle will somewhen cease growing hair all together.

Hair Thickness

Pilus Pore Status

Ideally your hair pore will exist an open crater free of oil and debris.  Excessive oil, keratin buildup or residue bottleneck your pores should be removed.Hair Pore Status

Images International has a passion for helping you love what you see in the mirror.  Nosotros know you lot must have a clean, balanced scalp to grow healthy pilus.  Call us at (248) 540-0900 to make an appointment for your hair and scalp assay and we volition educate you on what you tin do to ensure you lot have the optimal environment for salubrious pilus growth.


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